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Monday, April 4, 2011

Top 5 Women Lifetime!

A lot of guys from the age of 4 or 5, up until possibly death usually have a top five list of females whom, if they had a chance would love to date or even marry! Granted these lists are almost always based on appearance and character personalities in the movies we LOVE to watch (because none of us personally know these celebrities that we lust after), but these celebrities have left some type of impression on what we would desire in our dream girl. After reading's post about the Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2011, I have decided to come up with a list of my own!

The following is my Top 5 list of women who I would love to MEET in no particular order. The reason why I say MEET and not date or marry is that I know how hard it is for an Average Vonjo to get 2 minutes of one-on-one conversation with any of these women in a world where hundreds of men similar to myself are constantly drooling over them. To have time to get to know any of them would be an amazing experience!

On to the list;

1. First up is the exotically beautiful Selita Ebanks

Many of you are just becoming hip to this “Fallen Phoenix” from Kanye West’s “Runaway” music video back in 2010, but I have been following the career of Ms. Ebanks since 2006 when I first discovered her in a “Victoria’s Secret” catalogue. What I was doing looking at that catalogue in the first place is topic for another discussion, but if she is not in your top 20, you’re sleeping on her!
Visit Selita Ebanks' Website

2. Gabrielle “Almost too Beautiful for Words” Union

Gabrielle has always been on my list of most desirable women ever… EVER! When I tell you that I would do anything for Gabby (she’s a friend in my head so I can give her whatever nickname I’d like), I literally mean anything. I’ll spare you the details of what anything might entail, but if you can think it up in your head, just know that I’d do it!!!
Follow Gabrielle On Twitter

3. Jessica Alba

I don’t care if Jessica Alba goes on to have 4 more children, she will always be beautiful to me!  I first found out about her while watching “Sin City” back in 2005 and have been hooked like millions of other men since.
Keep Up With Jessica Alba's Tweets

4. Halle Berry

Despite all the recent allegations of her being crazy, I am still attracted to Halle Berry. In most conversations that I’ve had with my closest male friends, Halle comes in the top 10 of each list. Her smile is infectious and Ms. Berry still looks absolutely amazing at the age of 44!

5. Eva “Hottest Latina in the Industry” Mendes

Eva Mendes is, hands down, one of the most beautiful women to ever walk the earth (in my eyes). I constantly find myself watching the movie “Hitch” starring Will Smith, Kevin James and Eva Mendes just to picture myself in Will Smith’s shoes during that movie shoot. Who wouldn’t want to have Ms. Mendes as a love interest in a movie?!?!

After looking at those five beautiful faces, can you even think clearly? Like I said before, these women are not listed in any particular order and they are in my opinion the most beautiful women in my lifetime. Below, I've added an honorable mention whose image has been engrained in my mind since I was very young. Enjoy and let me know who your top 5 are!

6. Honorable mention goes to the 1970s Pam Grier

 Ms. Pam as I used to call her in the late 1980s was the very first female crush I had. My brother put on “Foxy Brown”, which I was much too young to be watching at that time (about 4 years old), but that 1970s image of Ms. Pam has stayed with me until now. The reason I say 1970s Pam Grier is that her 1970s image is what is most desirable to me. I don’t care what anyone says… Image is Everything!

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